Bill Hunter’s report on the Ray Aviation Schlorship

For about an hour and a half evening (3/12/19) I attended the webinar required by EAA for Ray Scholarship Chapter coordinators.  I was very impressed with the level of organization of the webinar and the program in general.  This will be a very well run program and will require a lot from the Scholar, the coordinator, and Chapter 277 in general.

Apparently, the response from the various Chapters was almost overwhelming!  Around 250 Chapters applied, but only 1/2 were “pre-qualified” to submit scholarship applications. Our chapter was one of those that was pre-qualified and thus deemed eligible to submit one application for the scholarship.  Application will be open for 15 year olds for glider pilots and for 16 to 19 year olds for powered flight.

The Chapter being pre-qualified means that the person whose application we submit has about a 95% chance of receiving the $10,000 scholarship.  The 5% chance of NOT receiving the award would be for things precluding the Scholar from completing flight training – such as disqualifying medical status, moving away from the Chapter base to go to college, etc.

Selection of the Scholar will have to be done by a committee.  Because of potential conflict of interest, it seems obvious that those (such as me) who support an individual or individuals would not be eligible to serve on the selection committee.  Therefore, I am asking for volunteers to be on a selection committee.  I think 3 would be an adequate number, but that is open to discussion.

 Please respond to this email if you would be willing to serve on the selection committee.  I do view it as a serious responsibility absolutely necessary for Chapter 277 to participate in this program.  Those of you who have experience on such selection committees would be especially valuable.

Another serious consideration for our involvement is handling of funds. Payment will be  made via electronic transfer to the Chapter, who will then pay the flight training personnel, etc.  Money will not be handled by the scholar.  Funding will be made in installments: 40% , 1st solo or 3 months (whichever comes first) 40%, written exam, 20%, check ride.  The Scholar will be expected to complete training within 12 months.  If the Scholar’s training doesn’t use all the funds, the Chapter can use the excess to fund another applicant/s.

Reports will have to be made on the Scholar’s progress; the Scholar will have to be actively involved in the Chapter; and the Scholar will be required to volunteer at least two hours per month for Chapter activities.  We will have to decide what those activities might be.
Much more was included in the webinar, such as details of the Scholarship application process, etc.

The webinar will be repeated at noon next Thursday 3/14. I am considering watching it again.  Those who would like to join me are very welcome.  If the Thursday lunch group at MWA is scheduled to meet, maybe that would be a good place to gather?  At AVTEC? Other suggestions are welcome.
I will be receiving a handbook and other detailed information about the application process, etc. in the near future and will be sending out updates.  This will be more than we can handle at our monthly meetings.
If you have questions, suggestions, I will do my best to respond to them.

Thanks! Bill Hunter

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