Lots going on at the Southern Illinois Airport

Lots going on at the Southern Illinois Airport these days. Three new hangars under construction, plus the new terminal.

In addition to fooling around with the Quickie, Sandy and I go out there and walk a few times a week and it’s exciting to follow the progress. I hear there also may be a new aircraft painting facility in the works as well.

All these photos were taken yesterday morning. If you haven’t been out there lately, it’s definitely worth a drive, and or, walk through.

Foundation work underway for the new airport terminal.
New hangar going up next to the old Hangar#1, in support of the FBO. At least, I think that’s what it’s for.
This big hangar is for a new business that will dismantle worn out aircraft, including wide-body jets. After all the good stuff is removed, the aluminum carcass will be hauled across the street to the recycling company. Maybe they’ll wind up as beer cans.
Yet another hangar in progress, this is stabilizing dirt work preparing for the foundation & slab. I understand this will be a new aircraft maintenance facility.

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